UM 4.1.0 RC 27/28/29 small problems

Hey Ultramixer

I have worked a lot on UM 4.1.0 RC 27/28/29 Pro. the last couple of weeks and it runs pretty smooth. All though I have some small problems I need your help to resolve.

  • The counter does not count the number of times a track has been played in a set.

  • “Pause before next track” does not work and the value I put in is not remember after restart of UM

  • The sample player is action strange. When you in the selection window hit PP of a track the sample player pops up and starts playing. But sometimes when you hit another track while the previous track is playing, the new track starts playing but in the sample player the progress bar and counter stops.

Best regards


Hi Jacob,

thanks for your hints.

  1. Counter works for me…a track is defined as “played” if more than 15% of the track length was played…
  2. We have fixed the problem in UM 4.1 RC32
  3. I can’t reproduce the described behaviour…

Best regards,

Super I wil try the RC32 to night

You’re welcome Jacob!