Support for Denon MC6000?

Dear all,

Will the denon MC6000 Mixer and MIDI Controller be supported in the near future for ultramixer 3?

Kind regards


Dear Jos,

yes it will when Denon responds to our inquiry :wink:

If you like you could make some pressure by replying to my post as well: … =viewtopic :smiley:


Dear Ultramixer team,

Any news on the Denon DN-MC6000?
I really would like to use this controller with UM3

Kind regards


Please Download UltraMixer 3.0.2 RC8 and enjoy using UltraMixer and Denon MC 60000

Thanks for supporting the MC6000. At the moment I am testing this controller and I can’t find the button to add songs to the waitlist. It this option available?

Kind regards


This option will be available in one of the next versions.