Spotify support with libspotify

Would you like to have Spotify support in UltraMixer?

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I think that you should implement support for [url=]Spotify[/url:3c612] as a source of music in UltraMixer. IIRC the current release of libspotify only supports 32-bit Linux but if you start by supporting that one I expect that Windows and Mac should be a piece of cake for you when they become available.

Some general thoughts of mine on this matter: [url=]Spotify Mixer DJ Software[/url:3c612]

Best regards,

David Eriksson,

Hi 2GooD,

to me it looks quite suspicious even mainly illegal to spread music. Unfortunately, the website doesn’t tell any real value of the system. Could you please describe how it works and why we should integrate it?


Hi 2GooD,

to me it looks quite suspicious even mainly illegal to spread music. Unfortunately, the website doesn’t tell any real value of the system. Could you please describe how it works and why we should integrate it?

You haven’t heard about Spotify before?

Their web site should explain things much better than I can do, but I can assure you it is 100% legal. The Spotify client works similar to iTunes etc but instead of your own music library you have an on-line library with thousands and thousands of songs available for streaming from their servers.

Maybe it is not yet available in your country?

You could try to use one of these sites to get an invite to the ad-financed version:



uhm, I still don’t get it :wink:
What does spotify do? Streaming? Something else?
As I wrote before their website is really awkward. I don’t understand the purpose of the system :wink:
Thank you for your links but all of them are Swedish. I can’t read it.


Spotify will reach Germany sooner and later. Get back to this feature request when you have tried it. :slight_smile:



eine Spotify Unterstuetzung waer echt genial!

Hi babarrass,

since this is the english forum, I’am answering in english.

Well, spotify is a streaming service like grooveshark was. That means UltraMixer would to integrate the streaming playback. That means almost any of the functions will be deactivated like Scratching, Loop, BPM-Detection, Waveform. UltraMixer needs to get access to the raw data to accomplish the DJing tasks. What would be left is a crossfading player. Do you think that’s enough though?
