Music Stops


Please help. I have updated my Ultramixer from version 4.04 to 4.1. I have register the software the same way as what I did on version 4.04 and I can see that is has been activated.

While I am playing the music it just sometimes stop playing the music. I can see on the top that the wave pattern is still running, but no sound is going through. When I skip the song to the next one, it will play again, but after a while it will do the same.

At this stage I am going to uninstall the new version and going back to version 4.04 for now. Is there a problem with the new version in regarding this? I have got the new version on two of my laptops and both of them are doing the same.

Please advise.

Thank you and kind regards
Nicolaas Rothman

Could you please check the following:

  1. Are you using the TEMPO mode? (or pitch?)
  2. Did you activate the SYNC mode?
  3. Does your tracks have a stored cuepoint?

If all these points match your situation, then it’s a known issue which we currently are trying to fix…

:smiley: :smiley:

Please download UltraMixer 4.1.3 RC3