export to CSV

Seem to have lost the ploy somewhere… :laughing:
I cant seem to be able to export played tracks to CSV , if fact I cant export anything , If I right click on a previous session , lets say 3/18/12 , the only things that come up are.

Spread to…
clear search results…
Clear played tracks…

Greyed out are

add music…

any ideas.



Hello Daryll,

just click on Groups --> Save Group and use as file type .csv .
Thats all.

Thanks , but…

Right click on a played tracks date ie 5/25/12 , and up pops spread to,Groups,clear search results,cleared played tracks, extras.
under the Groups tag the following are available.

Save Group…
Remove group…
Rename Group…
Colorize Group…
Clicking on Save group does nothing , no pop up , no dialogue.
So at the moment I cannot save playlists or export them to *.csv


Hello daryll,

could you please contact our support, because we need more information about the problem.