Akai AMX not found in any MIDI-List!?


I am new to Ultramixer and using the current version 5.2.2 and everithing works fine till now.

But when i tryed to connect my Akai AMX there is no funktion and i cannot find it in the list (with the Pictures) to choose!?

I downloaded the MIDI-Mapping-File from here (http://www.ultramixer.com/akai-amx-dj-midi-controller-ultramixer/?lang=de) and imported it!

But there is no Akai AMX listed anywhere, in the first Line there is only written “AMX”???

Thanks a lott!

Solved! Ok! I got it!

There was an Idiot sitting in front of my compu…!

Zip is not XML!

But now it works perfect!

If you have further questions, please contact us. :slight_smile: