Netbook Skin

I’m using Windows 7 on an Advent 4213 netbook (rebranded ECS G10IL/Averatec Buddy) and the screen resolution is 1024x600. Is there a skin available without having to purchase the full version or is there other decent free DJing software available? This is now my only machine.

You can download serveral skins here:

Hi Tobi. Thanks for your quick reply. I have added the 1024x600 skin, but am unable to select it, as it remains greyed out, even after refreshing and also after restarting. Any ideas? Thanks.

keep in mind to download the Free version skin. Otherwise it won’t work and it will be grayed out.

The skin I downloaded was skinUM21_free_1024x600. It remains greyed out.

do you use UM`?

Yes. Probably something simple I’ve missed! Want to use it this weekend!

Can anyone help? Thanks!

Please redownload the skin. There was a minor problem when using this skin with a most recent version of UM.

Thanks. That worked. Wierdly though, the same thing happens if I try and download the 600x800 one, although that’s not too important, I just like to have my My Music folder open alongside sometimes.

Thanks for your help.

I’ve the same problem. I’ve a netbook (1024x600 screen) and I use Ultramixer free. I downloaded the 1024x600 skin (home and free) but they don’t work. I add them, but simply it doesn’t work.
I downloaded them many times.

I also tried installing the older version

Can anyone help?



Dear Giuseppe,

we just tried the current skin form

with the current version 2.3.8 and it is working flawlessly.
Could you please redownload all packages.
If it doesn’t work please contact the support:


I installed the last version again and redownloaded the skins. Now it works.
